Okay, so this is my first time GMing, and quite a few of my monsters are going to be vampires. Here’s two of the ones I have so far.
Vampire Followers (Level 1)
Black robes, blood red druid tattoos, very little blood, pale grey skin
Attributes: Agility 3, Entropy 2, Perception 3
Defenses: Guard 16, Toughness 14, Resolve 10.
HP: 20
Speed: 30’
Favored Actions:
Dagger:precise, swift. On 5+ persistent damage. On 10+ disarm(1d20+1d8)
Persistent Damage: Persistent Damage (advantage 2) Entropy vs toughness
Bite:Precise, extremely close ranged. Guard. Life Drain boon on hit (PL 5)(1d20+1d8) max damage of 5
Sicken: Sicken Bane (PL 3) Entropy vs toughness
Feats: Bane Focus I (Persistent Damage),
Strategy: encircle foe and strike alternately at target’s back. Followers are used for easy tasks the Vampire Lord wants no questions on.
Vampire Guard(Level 5)
Black and red cloak with leather armor, blood red druid tattoos, bleeds very little, pale grey skin but wear blank red masks. Dissolves to ash when killed.
Attributes: Agility 4, Entropy 1, Movement 3, Perception 4, Learning 2
Defenses: Guard 20, Toughness 16, Resolve 20
Speed: 30ft
Favored Actions:
Long sword strike: forceful, precise. On 5+ persistent damage. On 10+ disarm(1d20+1d10)
Bite:Precise, extremely close ranged. Guard. Life Drain boon on hit (PL 5)(1d20+1d10) max damage of 5
Shadowstep:Teleport boon(PL3)
Feats:Combat Momentum
Vampire guards remain at the lord’s castle to protect their stronghold. When they do go into the field, it is in diamond formation around the high ranked vampire the were assigned to. They eliminate their foes without encircling them, always staying next to their charge, not leaving even to pursue their opponents.
Vampire Bat Scout(Level 2-3ish)
Black leather armor, black druid like tattoos, bleeds very little, wears a bat amulet.
Attributes: Agility 2, Alteration 4, Perception 3
Defenses: Guard 17, Toughness 16, Resolve, 17
Speed: 30 ft
Favored Actions:
Bite:Precise, extremely close ranged. Guard. Life Drain boon on hit (PL 5)(1d20+1d6) max damage of 5
Bat Form: shapeshift(Self, always activates) bat. major action. Roll to sustain at advantage 4 and the sustain is a free action.
Boon Focus tier 3: Shapeshift, bat.
Bat Form
Attributes: Agility 5, Alteration 4, Perception 6
Speed: 60 ft flying, 5 ft walking (flying only disableable by physical damage to wings)
Favored actions:
Bite:Precise, extremely close ranged. Guard. Life Drain boon on hit (PL 5)(1d20+1d8) max damage of 5
Often the scouts will go ahead of the other vampires as bats. If they need help from something they can’t fly away from, the release a mental scream for help that the vampire lord of the region can hear, and a Vapor will teleport in with a Cloaker and allow the scout to transform and escape before vanishing themselves.
My campaign is for 2 players and I want the vampires to be tough, still beatable and to go all the way up in levels. The last time I made a monster, I forgot Perception and he tripped over a tripwire a PC already tripped over (the vampire was supposed to be smart) so I’m hoping to avoid such oversights.
Alright, ajusted the stats and added a bat scout. I plan on adding more here when I get the time such as the Cloaker and Vapor Vampires I mentioned in the strategy for the bat scouts as well as vampire psychics, soilders, crazed blood monsters(I’m thinking of calling the Vampire Gluttons)… etc.
Thanks SamWilby for these ideas!
What do you think? Any ideas/edits or vampires you’ve used?