I can see how people might find it frustrating, but then again I am wondering the perspective on this. Are you looking at it from the Player’s perspective of resisting banes on them, or how NPCs resist.
You say it is too easy, and more than a 50% chance is true. I have seen 3 failed resist rolls happen, but it is rare, and that is part of the design.
Unlike other systems that have resist/save throws, those systems also have a limit to how many times you would be able to invoke things that require a resist/save throw. In OL, you can have a bane thrown on you every round, in fact, you can have several banes thrown onto you in a round.
And then there is the fact the “saving throw” is already built into the bane being inflicted on you. They have to beat your Guard/Toughness/Resolve for it to even happen. So by adding another “saving throw” you are actually making them do it all over again, vs their body resisting and throwing off the bane.
Combat is also designed to go faster in OL.
That being said, I have done a few things in combat, but usually only for making something more epic b/c of the narrative that was in play at the time for the scene or over-arching story.
I’ve made the CR for a resist be 15+ (instead of the 10+) b/c a goddess had “empowered” a player temporarily. This, again, was solely for the narrative and story-telling part to give it more umpff.
There are also things like Potent Bane to make it harder to resist.
Banes are a tactical thing in combat when used well, helping to control action economy. Though I have had both players and NPCs choose to just not roll a resist against something and keep going.
So, going back, I am curious if you could elaborate some more on what exactly you find vexing about the current Resist Rolls, and maybe an example or two.
Feels too easy, too random, and has nothing to do with the character’s design.
Again, I think you are saying only from the Player’s side here. That it is too easy for a player to resist a bane given to them by an NPC. Also, are you more of a player, or more of a GM in most situations? How often do you have banes done to you (or you do to players) in combat?
The character’s design comes into play with the Defense scores. And you can also do a defend interrupt to increase that defense score vs a bane, or someone do an improvised interrupt to give you resistance vs a bane being targeted on you.