Goblin (Level 1/2)
A small green humanoid with a big head and mouth, and pointy ears.
Agility 5, Fortitude 3, Might 1
Perception 2
Deception 3
HP: 16
Speed: 30’
Guard: 16
Toughness: 13
Resolve: 10
Dogslicer: On 10+ Inflict Persistent Damage. Agility Vs Guard (1D20+2D6)
Taunt: Invoke Provoked. Agility Vs Resolve (1D20+2D6)
Trip: Invoke Knockdown. Agility Vs Guard (1D20+2D6)
Combat Momentum
Evasive Footwork
Goblins like to gang up on travelers using quantity over quality.
They don’t typically come up with a plan on how to fight, but their short attention span causes them to switch from target to target.
Goblins hate dogs and horses.
Kobold (Level 1/2)
A frail red humanoid with dragon like features.
Agility 5, Fortitude 1, Might 1
Logic 1, Perception 3, Will 1
Deception 3
HP: 14
Speed: 30’
Guard: 16
Toughness: 12
Resolve: 11
Shank: On 10+ Persistent Damage. Agility Vs Guard (1D20+2D6)
Backstab: When Lethal Strike is active. Agility Vs Guard (1D20+2D6) Advantage 1
Waylay: Inflict Incapacitate. Agility Vs Toughness (1D20+2D6)
Lethal Strike
Kobolds wait for their opponents back to be turned.
They will run from a fair fight and rarely fight alone.
Kobolds typically start a fight by sneaking up and Waylaying a threat.
Kobold Diablo (Level 2)
A frail dark red humanoid with dragon like features in black rags.
Agility 5, Fortitude 1, Might 1
Logic 1, Perception 5, Will 3
Deception 4
HP: 18
Speed: 30’
Guard: 16
Toughness: 14
Resolve: 13
Knives: On 5+ Incapacitate. Agility Vs Guard (1D20+2D6) Advantage 1
Backstab: When Lethal Strike is active. On 5+ Incapacitate Agility Vs Guard (1D20+2D6) Advantage 3 (5 Lethal)
Waylay: Inflict Incapacitate. Agility Vs Toughness (1D20+2D6) Advantage 2
Lethal Strike II
Bane Focus (Incapacitate)
Kobolds wait for their opponents back to be turned.
They will run from a fair fight and rarely fight alone.
Kobolds typically start a fight by sneaking up and Waylaying a threat.
Enfield (Level 1)
A magical fox-like creature with talons for its front legs and wings on it’s shoulders used for gliding.
Agility 4
Perception 2, Will 1
Presence 4
Creation 1, Movement 5
HP: 20
Speed: 35’
Guard: 14
Toughness: 11
Resolve: 15
Talons: On 10+ Persistent Damage. Agility Vs Guard (1D20+1D10)
Aura of Life: Invoke Aura: Heal 5’. Presence Vs N/A (Boon Focus) (1D6 Heal)
Glide: Invoke Flight. Movement VS 20 (PL 5)
Green Footprint: Invoke Genesis. Creation Vs 12 (PL 1)
Create Wisp: Invoke Light. Creation Vs 12 (PL 1)
Finesse: Invoke Haste. Movement Vs 14-18 (PL 2-4)
Fleet of Foot
Lightning Reflexes
Boon Focus (Aura)
An Enfield avoids loud noises and only attacks if it feels threatened or its environment is being destroyed.
The Enfield will use its Aura of Life to help other creatures from harm and to keep itself alive.
If no creature is hurt, the Enfield will use Finesse during most of a fight.
Bandit (Level 1)
A humanoid covered in rags and strips of leather.
Agility 4, Fortitude 3, Might 3
Perception 2, Will 2
Deception 3, Presence 3
HP: 26
Speed: 30’
Guard: 18
Toughness: 15
Resolve: 15
Shortsword: On 10+ Persistent Damage. Agility Vs Guard (1D20+1D10) Advantage 1
Intimidate: Inflict Demoralize. Might Vs Resolve (1D20+1D8)
Trip: Inflict Knockdown. Agility Vs Guard (1D20+1D10)
Disarm: Inflict Disarm. Agility Vs Guard (1D20+1D10) Advantage 1
Attack Specialization (Shortsword)
Evasive Footwork
Brutal Intimidation
Intimidate before fighting demanding wealth.
Gang up on one player at a time, moving through other players to do so with their Evasive Footwork.
If there are more players than bandits conscious, they will try to run off.
Yara ma yha who (Level 3)
A small red goblinoid creature with a large teethless mouth and suction cups on it’s fingers.
Agility 5, Fortitude 4, Might 2
Perception 3
Presence 2
Entropy 6
HP: 22
Speed: 30’
Guard: 18
Toughness: 15
Resolve: 12
Claws: On 5+ Inflict Sickened. Agility Vs Guard (1D20+2D6) (Life Drain)
Eat Blood: Invoke Life Drain. Entropy Vs N/A (Boon Focus)
Scent: Invoke Blindsight. Entropy Vs N/A (Boon Focus)
Vomit Friend: Invoke Summon Creature. Entropy Vs 18-22 (PL 4-6)
Latch On: Inflict Attached. Agility Vs Guard (1D20+2D6)
Note: When a creature uses Attached on a player, the player can only move half speed and the creature moves with the player. The player can resist this bane as normal.
Boon Focus (Life Drain, Blindsight)
Bane Focus (Sickened)
Natural Defense
The Yara ma yha who will always have Life Drain active removing it’s minor action. If the Yara ma yha who is blinded in anyway, it will use Scent instead.
Yara ma yha whos like to hide in trees and latch on to passersby.
Once a player is unconscious, the Yara ma yha who will eat them whole until they die (GMs discretion). Once the player is dead the yara ma yha who spits them up as another Yara ma yha who “Vomit Friend.”
Yara ma yha whos can only turn humanoids with blood into more Yara ma yha whos.
Assassin (Level 3)
A humanoid covered in dark leather wielding two daggers.
Agility 6, Fortitude 2, Might 2
Perception 3, Will 3
Deception 4
Entropy 2, Movement 3
HP: 20
Speed: 35’
Guard: 19
Toughness: 15
Resolve: 13
Daggers: On 10+ Persistent Damage. Agility Vs Guard (1D20+2D8) Advantage 1
Throwing Daggers (Close Ranged): On 10+ Persistent Damage. Agility Vs Guard (1D20+2D8)
Assassinate: When Lethal Strike is active. Agility Vs Guard (1D20+2D8) Advantage 3 (5 Lethal)
Engulf in Shadows: Invoke Darkness 5’-10’ Area. Entropy Vs 12-14 (PL 1-2)
Shadow Jump: Invoke Teleport 15’. Movement Vs 16 (PL 3)
Paralyze Dart: Invoke Immobile. Entropy Vs Toughness (1D20+1D6)
Knock Out: Invoke Incapacitated. Agility Vs Toughness (1D20+2D8)
Lethal Strike II
Great Leap
Death Blow
Fleet of Foot
Assassins will hide and Knock Out players that are alone, than use Death Blow on the player.
Assassinate a player in a group then try to Paralize Dart other players.
If the Assassin’s health is below 5, they will use Engulf in Shadows before running away to hide and try attacking again.
Eloko (Level 4)
A small humanoid with child-like features and grass for hair. It carries bells.
Agility 3
Perception 2, Will 3
Deception 3, Persuasion 2, Presence 6
Influence 6
HP: 28
Speed: 30’
Guard: 13
Toughness: 13
Resolve: 19
Bells: Inflict Immobile, 10’ Cube. Influence Vs Resolve (1D20+2D8) Disadvantage 1
Child’s Innocence: Inflict Charm, 10’ Aura. Influence VS Resolve (1D20+2D8) Advantage 2
Small Request: Inflict Dominate. Influence VS Resolve (1D20+2D8) Advantage 2
Bane Focus (Charm, Dominate)
Potent Bane (Charm)
Defensive Reflex II
Multi-Target Attack Specialist (Area)
The Eloko hides and uses it’s bells to Immobile passersby. It then walks up to them and charms them even if they aren’t immobile. It sustains its Charm Aura as long as possible. Once charmed it will dominate them saying “Feed.” The dominated target will then cut off their own flesh and give it to the Eloko. This cycle will repeat until someone tries to attack the Eloko. If the Eloko is attacked it will use it’s Defend action and try to run off.
Anthropod (Level 4)
A large humanoid crab-like creature with four pointy legs and two arms with giant claws.
Agility 3, Fortitude 6, Might 6
Perception 3
Presence 2
Protection 4
HP: 26
Speed: 30’
Guard: 22
Toughness: 19
Resolve: 12
Claws: On 10+ Immobile. Might Vs Guard (1D20+2D8)
Defensive Offense: When Defend is Active. On 10+ Immobile. Might VS Attack (1D20+2D8) Advantage 2
Adaptive Shell: Invoke Resistance. Protection VS 16 (PL 3)
Natural Defense III
Battlefield Retribution
Battlefield Punisher
Defensive Reflexes II
The Anthropod has Resistance active at all times and will change it depending on what it’s getting hit with.
An Anthropod waits for hostile encounters to attack it first so the Anthropod can take advantage of an opening.
When an Anthropod has inflicted Immobile on a creature, it will try to drag it into nearby water to drown and eat it.
Amphitere (Level 8)
A Huge serpent with two bat-like wings and multiple fins.
Agility 5, Fortitude 5, Might 6
Perception 5, Will 3
Presence 4
Energy 6
HP: 34
Speed: 10’ (Fly/Swim 30’)
Guard: 23
Toughness: 20
Resolve: 17
Swoop: On 5+ Immobile. Might Vs Guard (1D20+2D8)
Breath of Boiling Water: Fire Damage, 20’ Cone. On 10+ Persistent Damage. Energy VS Guard (1D20+2D8) Advantage 1
Desperate Screech: Inflict Fear. Might VS Resolve
Attack Specialization V (Fire)
Bane Focus (Immobile)
Lightning Reflexes
Natural Defense II
The Amphitere hides and water and usually attacks ships. When it wants to be more aggressive it will fly into the sky and breath boiling water at its target.
When the Amphitere wants to eat a target, it will swoop down and try to carry the target in its mouth while it continues flying forward.
The Amphitere avoids landing, while on the ground it is afflicted with Knockdown and will use Desperate Screech to keep people away.