I chose mine because of Crazy Mac, mentioned on Open Legend’s website’s page about wealth and on it’s blog as the seventh of 1d12 Tavern Rumors. I’m even thinking through a potential character sheet, just because I can’t get the guy out of my head right now.
My dad’s trucker handle was red angel way back in the day. So I decided to use reddevil, sadly sometimes that handle is already used.
I could see that being a popular handle.
Hmmm, let me think about mine. My parents chose it, and I didn’t have much choice in the matter.
My normal go-to screen name though is Dabrainbox; I was a smart kid so I got nicknamed “brain box” by a lot of the other kids at my school, when I first got on the internet and had to pick a username I tried TheBrainBox, but a lot of places have 10 character limits on usernames. I shortened “The” to “Da”, which also gave it a more informal tone, and it’s stuck ever since across multiple platforms.
I used to go by that in the Open Legend community as well, but when I got involved with the moderator team and helping to develop the system I decided that I was proud to have my real name associated with OL, and so I changed it
I went to school at the University of Central Florida. I enjoyed the character touchstone the FOOL from Shakespeare’s As You Like It. It’s never taken.
I had a lot of other user names before but this one Ive been using for the last 5 years. I think it sounds cool and it even has “dice” somewhere there. MakeShiftDie - for me It’s like finding reasons to play
When the internet’s were new and wild I wanted a chat handle that was nothing like me. So I picked Farmer Bob… however that was taken so I thought 808 looked like Bob and kept it. I have used this same handle for like 20+ years.
I’ve had mine for quite a long time.
I originally chose it when I made a YouTube account after one of my friends had told me about how they named a guild in a game “Lithium”. But since I didn’t wanna straight up copy that I thought about a twist and ended up with “Lithimlin” since I thought it sounded cool.
Many years ago I was dialed up to a game, I think Shattered Galaxy, and trying to figure out a handle. I picked up the nearest item, which was a cassette tape. On the case it said professional recording quality. I took the first parts of the first two words and Proreco was born. I use it on most sites still.
I was streaming the games I GM’d, and when I made a new overlay, since I had my moustache, I decided to put “Great Moustache” under the video image b/c the letters also stood for Game Master.
Shortly after that I found Open Legend with the kickstarter just up, and so in the various places I just registered my name as Great Moustache.
Picture included below (was taken right after I had finished mowing the lawn too ).
That is indeed a great moustache!
I didn’t know that they could really look like that, even. I thought it was a byproduct of artists wanting to make moustaches that were more visually appealing for the audiences.
Ah yes, my username. It’s from a certain book series and actually dwarfish (dwarvish?) for Wolf of War.
Yeah that’s right, it’s actually one of those half-furry, “edgy” thirteen year old names in disguise.
Since it continues to function without looking weird and is still unpronouncable, I just kept it.
“Idea” is the username I usually use when going around online, it came from a different roleplay site in which I first picked it to be my name. I wanted something that would properly express who I was and my reason for being there (my wish to share my creativity and ideas), but that also sounded ‘cool’. In my mind, to achieve the later I would need it to be one word. It came to me while I was taking a shower, and I nearly lept off of it when the name came to me, cause it felt like such a good name that I absolutely didn’t want to forget it.