The Sustain Persist mechanic is a great mechanic.
It’s nice, and simple, not complicated, easy to explain and understand.
It lessens the things you need to commit to memory as when in doubt, it’s usually just Sustain Persists.
But the vagueness and lack of actual ruling and leaving a lot of things up to the GM, means Sustain Persist can get pretty… Crazy… If the GM is really lax.
With rules as written Sustain Persist can be used in weird ways.
Rules as written, the only rule to Sustain Persist type boons is that you must use a minor action to maintain your concentration on them.
That means, rules as written, you can sustain a boon indefinitely.
Sure, maybe you’d have to sleep then in which case, from the very moment you wake up, you can cast that boon and just keep it sustained for the entire day until you have to go back to sleep again!
Rules also don’t give distance limits to how far the original invoker has to be from their targets.
Meaning you can cast say… Bolster to any ‘ol attribute to some guy and then just keep it on him while you go and travel to the other side of the world! Heck, why stop there!? Why not another planet? Nae, another galaxy! NAE, ANOTHER DIMENSION!!!
Your fighter can rest easy knowing his Bolster won’t go away cuz’ his friends hiding inside his pocket dimension while the rest are fighting. Those enemies can’t disrupt concentration! Their only hope is the Nullify bane since Extraordinary success on damaging lets you disrupt concentration on a single boon for the target, not cancel a boon inflicted on a creature.
Just a shower thought of mine that I had. Never seen anyone do this. Ever.
Except maybe the keeping a thing sustained until dawn thing. My player has a character with Superior Concentration and Boon Focus.
The moment his character wakes up, he immediately casts all his boon focus boons on himself and just keeps them until it’s time to go back to bed.
The only reason I’m writing about this is because I have no idea whether this is intended by the game or not.
Because while it does seem overpowered, it kinda feels like it’s expected for someone who has boon focus to do something like this in the rules when I read it.
This is countered by the fact that most boons are pretty situational.
Unless you know what’s gonna happen, there’s no point in giving yourself Resistance to Fire unless you’re expecting a lot of fire baddies coming your way. Otherwise, you sorta wasted your time if you end up fighting like… Ice baddies instead or something.
What isn’t situational though is Bolster and Regeneration.
You can just have Bolster to your main attribute or Regeneration anytime and it’ll always be useful.
I’m seriously considering limits to how many times someone can attempt to invoke a boon per day as well as a limit to how far you are allowed to be from your targets for certain boons, along with a maximum time limit.
Limiting the distance you can be apart from each other and a time limit is obvious, but you may be wondering why I’d limit attempts per day as well.
Well that’s because if I don’t people would just try again and again to cast a boon on themselves when morning arrives before they resume their journeys until they succeed.
That means boon focus would be moot since those without can just do the same thing they do anyway, and even with boon focus, you can attempt multi-target as many times as you like.
I can just rule out the time and distance limit on a case to case basis but what I’m facing a conundrum about is how I’d rule the limit to how many times they can do things per day.
I want it to be a set in stone rule. One we’ll stick with should we use it.
But how much would be too much or too little? How should I go about placing the limits?