September Update - Valhalla is out

Shores of Valhalla is fully released now. Downloads are available to backers via BackerKit ( BackerKit | Log into your BackerKit Account ), and for those that didn’t get the “All PDF Stretch Goals”, it is available on the official store:


The shirts have been up on the store and selling well. We have already sold out of the 2XL sizes. I will be considering the option of shirts with some of the art work seen in the Core Rules book as well as Amaurea’s Dawn, however my main focus are on the next 3 PDFs.

What’s Next

There are 3 remaining stretch goal PDFs to fulfill. Not necessarily in order that they will be released, we have:

  • Massacre at Writhing Bridge (Intro Adventure) with A Trick of Light (Short Story set in Schlectenberg)
  • The Endless Dream (Intro Adventure) with The Waking Dream (Short story set in House Rhuviel)
  • Fields of Harnerton (Intro Adventure)

Advanced Mechanics are still out on the horizon, but most likely won’t be out until 2021. There will be playtesting for these, so if you’d like to be a part of that, as well as have input on them, be sure to check announcements on the official Discord ( openlegend ), Twitter ( @OpenLegendRPG ), or the Community Forums ( ).

  • Social Intrigue
  • Mass Combat

Wallpapers are still on the list, and I may take a break from working on layout to get these out to backers before the end of 2020.

The Future

I am happy with the progress that is being made. It is slow, but steady, as I learn new things, sort through the large drives of data and images, and make new connections with writers and artists. There is already a new adventure slated to start work in November.

As long as there are no other hiccups, there is the strong possibility of a kickstarter in late 2021 or early 2022 for an official bestiary with a goal of 300 creatures.

Thank you

Again, I want to thank everyone for your patience as I continue to adjust and learn so that I can provide high quality products for the system I fell in love with shortly after discovering it. I am excited to see Open Legend RPG continue to grow, and hope you will help by spreading word of mouth about the system!

Your Open Legend Caretaker,

Jonathan aka Great Moustache


An extra note:

GM Screen

This had slipped my mind, but someone on twitter asked about it and reminded me.

This is still planned, but requires quite a bit of investment between the print run and the shipping costs. I also wanted to update the layout as was originally posted by Brian ( Open Legend GM Screen ).

I’ll be working on getting some updated quotes and putting that into my plans, I’ve already moved it up on my list.


November Update

Massacre at Writhing Bridge Cover, a House Valurien Adventure

Stretch Goal Progress

Continuing to work on many things for Open Legend RPG, and the stretch goal PDFs are certainly part of that. There were a few hitches and hiccups this month, so I wasn’t quite able to finish Massacre at Writhing Bridge. I should be able to finish it by the end of this week and the middle of next week at the latest. I will be doing a few mini-playtests for some of the encounters and offering those on the Discord to see how they feel to people. After that I’ll be releasing it to Backer Kit and making it available on the store.

In a previous post I had called Fields of Harnerton an “Intro Adventure”, however it is more of a full length Adventure set in Schlectenberg.

PDF Adventures

Rough estimate of Progress:

  • 85% Massacre at Writhing Bridge (House Valurien Adventure) with A Trick of Light (House Valurien/Schlectenberg Short story)

  • 40% The Endless Dream (House Rhuviel Adventure) with The Waking Dream (House Rhuviel Short Story)

  • 25% Fields of Harnerton (Full Length Medieval Horror Adventure set in Schlectenberg)

GM Screens

As mentioned, I have some quotes for these, and will be working on modifying the layout. How soon these will be printed depends on how sales and expenses continue through the end of the year and into the start of next year.

After I have redone the layout, I will make some posts so the PDF is available and feedback can be given before sending it to the printer.


Still on the list, and planning to get these out before the end of 2020, and at the latest 1st quarter of 2021. I will include some Desktop Wallpapers, as well as some oriented for Phones.

Advanced Mechanics

These are at the bottom of the list currently. They will be worked on, and tested.

  • Social Intrigue

  • Mass Combat

Thank you

I continued to be excited for the future, and am looking forward to working with other creatives as more products are made for the Open Legend RPG system. Please continue to send out word of mouth about the system to others. There are some sales going on at the store, with offers for free shipping.


Official Discord: openlegend

Open Legend Store:

Your Open Legend Caretaker,

Jonathan aka Great Moustache