I wanted to ask some questions about Barrier because these came up in a session I had ran a little while back.
That is regarding the properties a Barrier can have.
Barriers when invoked, have properties that activate when something willingly enters the specified area or ends their turn there.
It’s a really cool boon, my favorite.
I understand the description of the barrier boon was meant to be vague so that it can be open to interpretation and have plenty of possibilities.
However sometimes the vagueness can get in the way and slow down the game.
So my question is regarding 1 of the properties that a barrier can have. Baneful.
Or maybe properties in general.
Can a barrier have multiple instances of the same property in them?
Like 2 banefuls, with each instance being a different bane?
If so, does that mean you can have multiple instances of every property???
Like multiple Damaging, multiple Mobile, etc.?
I ask this because in a previous session, 1 of my players decided that they wanted to invoke Barrier in a way that was… Different…
Their character was a type of magician who specializes in manipulating fungi.
So… They said, “I want my barrier to have Baneful Death, Fatigue, Sickness, AND Persistent Damage!”
Originally they wanted the barrier to invoke banes of differing attributes but changed when I said that they could only have the barrier invoke banes that they could cast using the attribute they invoked it with: Entropy which I guess is another question I wanna ask since that was another vague thing about the boon: Does the bane being inflicted need to be of the same attribute as the one used to invoke the barrier? Anyway…
I asked “Which one???”
And he answered “All of it!”
They were clearly doing this to power game, so I did the only thing I thought would be best to do, and that is asking them to describe how this barrier contained all these properties!
And then they replied “IDK, there’s probably a mushroom that spreads a fungal infection that does these things right?”
I was unhappy with the response but they already rolled and succeeded at the invocation exceptionally. So I took a brief pause and after some thinking, I ruled that yes, you can have multiple instances of the baneful property and then let it play out as I describe the scenario play out…
So how would you have done this if you were the GM?
And also yeah… Would you allow having multiple instances of the same property for a barrier?