Open Legend Creator reaches level 34?

Tomorrow, an unprecedented event will take place.

The creator behind Open Legend will reach the level* of 34!

Feel free to send your congratulations towards @brianfeister here :wink:

*in some campaigns level is a substitute for age


Happy early birthday, @brianfeister! May your day be filled with good things:

:cake: :gift::game_die:

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Congrazzies @brianfeister

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY @brianfeister!! May your day be filled with the delicious baked goods of your choosing and the presence of many great friends :blush:

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Happy Birthday @brianfeister! Insert witty quip here… :wink::gift:

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Happy Birthday @brianfeister. Hope your day is great, and thanks for bringing all of us together.

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Thanks for the bday :sparkling_heart: everyone. Super appreciate you all!


Happy Birthday and congratulations on collecting 99 XP @brianfeister !

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Congrats to level 10 (there’s the level cap!)! :smiley:


Congrats on Level 34, and Thanks for all your Hard work you have been putting into this. I can’t wait to get the materials. I have fallen deeply in love with this game lol. Thanks again Brian!

Happy Birthday @brianfeister! Now it’s time to trim back that beard and look like you’re 10 years younger. :slight_smile:

Gotta admit, I’m slightly creeped out by either

  1. There’s a rumor going around about the state of my beard
  2. You just guessed that unkowingly

Both are unsettling in their own way

  1. You were literally in a video 2 weeks ago live at GenCon so everyone has seen the current state of your beard. :rolling_eyes:
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Ok… *** phew ***, no you just had a lucky guess :stuck_out_tongue: … my beard was mostly the same length at Gen Con as it had been previously, very minor tweak

A little late to the party, but still! Happy 34th level @brianfeister! I wish you a a great deal of extraordinary items and events.

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@brianfeister Only just seen this now! Happy belated birthday!

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