Hello, again! This ones a bit bigger and earlier than usual. Enjoy!
Better Weapon Banes
When you inflict a bane as the result of rolling 10 or above on an attack roll using a weapon, you may only inflict the banes thar are listed with the weapons description. So, for instance, you would only be able to inflict the Persistent Damage or Slowed bane if you rolled an extraordinary success with a laser pistols damaging attack.
Boon: Set trap
Duration: Sustain Persists or Until Triggered/Disarmed
Invocation Time: 1 Major Action
Power Level: 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ 7/ 8/ 9
Creation, Energy, Entropy, Learning, Logic
You set up a Rube Goldberg machine that ends in an explosive chemical reaction, put a violent yet protective ward on a doorway, plant an EMP grenade on the back of a painting or set up a similar destructive trap to hurt or hinder whoever is unfortunate enough to be near when this triggers.
When you invoke this boon, you must use multi-targeting to create a specific area of effect to define the space of this effect. Upon successful invocation, you choose a trigger which could be anything your GM deems appropriate with the tools at your disposal, like tripping over a tripwire, entering the area, opening a door, etc. Finally, choose either a bane, a boon or AD HOC Damage with a power level or severity equal to the power level in which you invoke this boon. When the trigger is activated, the effect chosen is invoked upon everyone in the chosen area. Alternatively, instead of choosing a trigger you can choose to have the boon have the duration Sustain Persists and choose yourself, as a minor action, when the boon triggers.
If you are the target of a trap you may choose to avoid it with an Action roll that the GM deems is appropriate. If you roll higher than the Boon Challenge Rating that was used to invoke the boon, you succeed and successfully avoid the trap.
Flexible Attributes
This is an alternative attribute system for those that prefer customizability over simplicity.
Every character starts out with 80 attribute points and gains 18 additional attribute points every level. Attribute points are spent as follows:
- Determine Attribute score
Attribute score | Attribute point cost | Level requirement |
1 | 1 | 1 |
2 | 4 | 1 |
3 | 9 | 1 |
4 | 16 | 1 |
5 | 25 | 1 |
6 | 36 | 3 |
7 | 49 | 5 |
8 | 64 | 7 |
9 | 81 | 9 |
- Determine Attribute dice
Attribute dice | Attribute point cost | Attribute score prerequisite |
1d4 | 3 | 1 |
1d6 | 4 | 2 |
1d8 | 5 | 3 |
1d10 | 6 | 4 |
1d12 | 7 | 5 |
Maximal number of Attribute dice | Attribute score prerequisite |
1 | 1 |
2 | 3 |
3 | 5 |
4 | 7 |
5 | 9 |
For example, Jonathan wants a character with a high Agility. He spends 25 attribute points to get his Agility to a 5. This lets him choose up to three attribute dice of any type. He chooses 3d8 which will cost him another 15 (3*5=15) attribute points. This means that he has spent a total of 40 attribute points on Agility.
He also wants some points in Energy. He chooses to spend 9 attribute points to get his energy to a 3. This lets him choose up to two dice that are either d4s, d6s or d8s. He chooses 1d4+1d6 which costs him another 7 points (4+3=7) for a total of 16 points sunk into Energy.
Martial and Extraordinary Focus
These Feats are incompatible with this new system and will not grant any benefits if chosen. You can still choose them and get the negative aspects of the Feats as Flaw Feats that grant 3 Feat points each. If you then acquire the feat more than once it will cost 1 Feat point per additional focus chosen.
Metric conversion
5 feet = 1,5 meters
1 mile = 1,5 kilometers
1 cubic foot = 30 liters
1 Inch = 2,5 centimeters
Perception Attacks
Weapon property: Accurate
This weapon can be used to make attacks with the Perception attribute and invoke banes accessible via Agility.
Examples of weapons with this property are Guns, Crossbows and other weapons that rely more on aim than mobility to fire well.
Perks and Flaws as Feats and Flaw Feats
At character creation you may not choose perks and flaws. You can instead purchase a Perk at the cost of 1 feat point. You may also acquire a Flaw as a flaw feat that gives you 1 feat point.
A necessity is something that every character needs in order to live. Food, water, sleep, etc. If you ever fail to achieve the condition of the necessity you must roll an action roll. If you fail, you gain one level of the fatigued bane.
Lack of necessity | Action roll |
Not eating for 1 day | CR 15 Fortitude |
Not drinking for 1 day | CR 20 Fortitude |
Not sleeping for 1 day | CR 10 Fortitude |
Extreme temperatures for 1 hour | Up to GM Fortitude |
Feat: Impervious
Cost: 1 Feat point
You’re built in a way which give you the ability to ignore one of the basic needs which so many need to survive.
Choose one necessity. You automatically succeed when rolling against the fatigued bain against that necessity
You may take this feat multiple times for different necessities.
Vehicle properties
Instead of moving a number of feet up to your movement the vehicle moves the same number of feet it moved last turn. You may add to or remove from that speed a number of feet up to your speed with your move action. You may not move faster than the value indicated.
For example, Jacob gets into a car (with a movement of 30 feet and Acceleration 70) and starts driving. Jacob moves 30 feet forward on his first turn. On his second turn he he moves 20 feet in addition to the 30 feet he moved last turn making it a total of 50 feet of movement on his second turn. On his third turn he moves another 20 feet which brings him up to the cars maximum speed of 70 feet per round. On his fourth turn he notices an obstacle in the road tries to stop the car. He spends 30 feet of movement to bring the car down to 40 feet of movement this turn. On the fifth turn he does the same bringing the car down to 10 feet of movement that turn. On his sixth turn he brings the car down to 0 speed.
Whenever a vehicle with this property moves into an object or creature while the vehicle is moving at it’s movement speed both the vehicle and the colliding object take damage equal to what’s indicated at the crashing property. For every 10 feet faster that the vehicle is moving, it has advantage 1. For every 10 feet slower that the vehicle is moving, it has disadvantage 1. The speed of the car is not how far the car has moved since the beginning of it’s turn, but how far the car would have gone if there was no collision. If the vehicle has a creature controlling it then the creature also takes the damage.
For example, Jacob is in his car (movement speed of 30 and Crashing 2d6). On his turn he wants to use his major and move action to to move 60 feet towards the crook that is 20 feet in front of him. Since he was supposed to move 60 feet and his speed was 30, that is 30 feet faster than his speed and the damage dealt is therefore 2d6 w/adv 3. The damage is dealt to the car, Jacob and the crook.
When crashing, the creature controlling the vehicle subtracts the value indicated from the damage it takes to a minimum of 0.
For example, when Jacob crashes the car the damage dealt to the car and the crook is 13. But because the car has Protective 10, Jacob only takes 3 damage.
Complicated turns
If a vehicle has the complicated turns feature, it can only move in one direction on its turn. It may change this direction by 45 degrees (Changing from a straight direction to one adjacent diagonal direction or vice versa) by spending a number of feet of movement equal to the value indicated.
For example, Jacob wants to change direction with his car (movement speed of 30 and Complicated turns 15). On his turn he decides to try to turn around completely. He spends 15 feet of movement to turn 45 degrees and then another 15 to turn another 45 for a total of 30 feet of movement spent on turning 90 degrees. On his next turn he does the exact same thing and has successfully turned 180 degrees. On his third turn he starts moving again.