I GM a bi-weekly game, and play in another that is very infrequent (supposed to be monthly, usually is less frequent due to rough schedules). I probably have an above-average understanding of the OL rules, though I still feel like a bit of an RPG novice having played mostly casually for the last 1.5 years.
I am looking to play (not GM) in a game that would ideally run every two weeks in the evening, somewhere in the 5-11PM Eastern time frame. Any genre is really ok, most interested in creating a fun character and living in it for a while, and of course playing with some fun people!
Anyone need a player??
Days that are best for me: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday
Don’t hesitate to contact me with something that is not exactly the schedule I suggested. I might not be able to do it, but would rather make that choice than miss out!
P.S. If you would want to play in this game but aren’t a GM, maybe worth commenting too. we can get our own group together