Hi all, long time lurker here.
My friends and I have been trying out Open Legend, and as a GM I’ve created a superhero world and campaign for them (very episodic of nature, kinda like a tv show). I’ve dug up some modules from other systems to get things going and established the world and its rules with the players, so we’re all set.
Well almost…
Using the Open Legend system my players came up with quite some nifty characters;
A shapeshifter who augments his abilities by changing parts of himself into that of animals (high alteration),
A big defender who always seems to know where to go and what to do (a precog and telepath without actually realising it) (High presience which he uses to block)
An Ice Mage type character who saps the strength of his enemies with his cold powers (High entropy which he fluffes as sucking out the heat of things)
An engineer who suddenly started generating energy form within, which he uses to power his crafts (energy and logic extraordinary item crafter)
And a guy who can put people to sleep with his mind (high entropy incapacitated specialist).
Now what I’m struggling a bit with is how to allow them to use their powers outside of combat. The rules are clear enough, but how should I handle creative uses of my players’ super powers? We’re new to the system so all players just have a list of all the banes and boons according to the rules they should be able to do, and have been invoking them even without making sense for their super powers
An example was using bolster for stats his powers couldn’t possible influence, which he agreed to when we talked about it together). How would you handle this? Just talking about which banes and boons makes sense for his powers beforehand with every player or making them do it themselves? Or is that already being way too rigid?
A more concrete example might help, how would you handle the ice mage using his entropy ice magic to put out fires (making an entropy roll compared to a DC I choose?)?
And should that mage even be able to generate ice? He has no points in energy, and I can see the heat sucking link with entropy, but allowing him to just create ice at will might be too much?
I’m sure the other players will come up with all kinds of nifty things, and while writing this I do realize that the answer: do what’s fun, or follow the rule of cool, will probably constitute my main approach. So long story short:
tl’;dr: doing a superhero campaign, should I try to limit the powers of heroes beforehand, make rules on a case by case basis (as in well that doesn’t seem to make sense for your powers now, would it), or just always let them try to use their powers in any way they can think of and let it succeed depending on a roll, or succeed with a twist?