An idea that suddenly popped in my head and immediately wanted to write out.
I was rewatching this D&D video made by the channel XP to Level 3 about 20-ish homebrew rules he uses in his D&D5e games and one of them really captivated me.
It was the rules about turning inspiration into cards.
I thought hey, why not use this for Open Legends?
But then after writing it I immediately said to myself reading it:
“Wow this thing might need some plenty of tweaking and checking…”
So here’s what I wrote:
This rule replaces Legend Points. Following the same rules as Legend Points, whenever a player would perform a noteworthy feat of role playing or roleplaying a flaw to the benefit of the story and the misbenefit of the party and all that other stuff you typically would use Legend Points for – the GM may shuffle a standard deck of playing cards and hand them out 1 card from the deck face down to the player. The player may not see what the card is until they decide they want to use it. If the card is ever revealed whether by intention or accident, that card is used up and applied to the next action roll the player takes.
A player can stock up to 10 of these cards. The entire table should be limited only to the 52 cards that exists in a deck.
The player may declare the use of a Legend Card before a roll, they must state how many cards they plan to use, they can use up to 1 plus their character level per roll. If they decide to declare a Legend Card after a roll, that Legend Card is void, and the bonus applies on the next action roll instead.
The number of the card is what matters most, when a card is used, a bonus is applied to their action roll. The bonus being the number of the card. Aces, Kings, Queens, and Jacks all equal 11.
For fun you can include Jokers into the mix and do whatever with them. Like for example, a Joker means the roll is automatically considered an extraordinary success.
As another optional side rule:
At the start of each session, you can hand out 1 card to each player for free. If they use it, they use it, however, if by the end of the session they still have not used it, the card is lost.
So what do I think are some of the problems about this? I think most might agree…
Statistics and Probability is my favorite field of mathematics but I hate to admit the type of probability relating things like cards where actions could have future implications on the probability. So I’ve come here hoping better mathematicians could help me maybe???
Firstly, Aces, Kings, Queens, and Jacks all being an 11 means there’s a slight higher chance the card they recieve gives them a +11 bonus to their rolls.
My reasoning behind making them +11 including the ace is that I don’t want to get a low bonus when using the Legend Cards. So I made the minimum bonus you could get a 2.
But yeah, there’s like a 4/13 chance to get a +11.
While writing this, I came up with the idea that the royal cards would instead give you advantage on the roll and the ace is a +11. Or a +10. Any permutation of the aces and royals with the advantage and the flat bonus.
Next thing is that the cards give out a flat bonus instead of advantage, ranging from 2 to 11 with a favor to 11 but should overall average to a +8ish I think. Would that be a problem? The cards themselves are already pretty random and they’d never know what they’ll get until they use them so…? Is this as much of a problem as I think it is?
So what do y’all think?
Would you change it? How?
Is it okay as is?
Would you use it?
Or is this rule just so bad it shouldn’t even be used?
If I really wanted a physical reminder of Legend Points I guess I can always just turn to using toy Casino Chips for my players.