I want some clarification on the rules regarding initiative real quick.
Weapons can either have the Swift, or Slow or neither as a property. These 2 properties grant you advantage 2 and disadvantage 2 to initiative respectively when you draw or commit to drawing them as your weapon of choice when combat ensues.
However, a character can have multiple weapons to switch between with a minor action, or as a free action with the help of the Fast Draw feat.
The rules doesn’t have anything written on it regarding what happens when you switch weapons.
So what’s stopping a character from drawing a weapon with swift to gain advantage on initiative only to then switch to a slower more powerful weapon as soon as possible?
Does everyone have to re-roll initiative every round? (Which is annoying and slows down combat)
Do you have to re-roll initiative when you switch weapons? (Which can still be somewhat exploited to give you good initiative if you just keep switching until you get a good roll but most likely this will never happen and is pretty improbable and is equally as likely to give you a worse roll anyway.)
Just a little confused as to how to handle such a situation since I have no idea how I’d rule this as the GM if this rather rare situation would ever come up.
(Left this system a couple months back when I finally got my hands on a copy of the D&D 5e rules but now me and my group want to go back and play in this system again! So now I’m taking the burden to re-read and refamiliarize myself with the rules. I might have just missed a thing, things might have changed when I left… I might have ruled this some way before but now I’ve forgotten. I dunno, all I know is I want some clarification.)