Hi all, I’m in the process of writing a Fantastical Steampunk Campaign, set in neutral territory in the middle of a vast continental war, think Switzerland in WWII type of thing, only one side of the war is hungry for the resources this bystander has available, and those on the boarder are being evacuated, that is where the campaign starts. I’m trying to keep the story as vague as possible as I tend to throw in world building with character creation to a certain extent as I think it’s cool for players to experience something in a campaign and think “Hey, that was my Idea,” And people are always going to feel more invested in something that they had a hand in creating. I’ve got written chapter 1 to the extent that I want to without the players input, which take a good few sessions, during witch i can keep writing, and now i’m just tangenting so I’m going to move on before you alt+tab.
About Applying
I’m not particularly interested in your Character, a general archtype would probably be a nice thing to include, but don’t feel the need to go into any real depth, if for no other reason than an amount of it will ineveitabley change as the world and other characters are built. I am more interested in you, both your experience with rpg’s and specificaly OpenLegend alike; and just the sort of player you are.
About Me
First things first, I’m 16, if that’s a problem, please don’t apply, I have no problems playing with anyone that i can get along with. I have quite a lot of time on my hands, so I am relatively flex able with time slots, but it will probably go on for 3-4 hours, aiming for 3, but I have really bad at self discipline, so unless someone needs to get off sharp, it will likely be closer to 3. Tangantening aside, please give a rough idea of what times you can do, ideally translated into BST (British Summer Time) because i am really bad with time zones.
Do ask if there is anything else you want/need to know please do ask, I apologise if I don’t get back for a couple of days or so, I will be away for the majority of the coming week, and may or may not have the time to reply, but I will try, after that however I am pretty much free to nerd out all you like, Thanks!
Edit: I’m not sure how many players I want/need yet, probably in the region of 4/6.