Forum Software Question

I’ve really liked using these forums, and I was wondering what platform it’s built on. Can anyone enlighten me? :slight_smile:

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Great. Thanks. :slight_smile:

Similarly check out NodeBB.

Yeah, that’s another one that I’ve been considering. Just don’t have a development environment to sit down and play with them yet. Hopefully soon, though.

Bitnami is free for a micro or small instance and have a one-click launcher to install on numerous platforms. Amazon EC2 t2.micro meets the minimum 1GB memory requirement of Discourse, so it works for a test environment. Also, if you don’t have an Amazon EC2 account, that server would be under their FREE TIER… so realistically, you could have a dev server for Discourse up and running for free for the first year, or $9/month if you ran it continuously for a year (of course, being a dev environment, why leave it running).