I was starting up a Pathfinder path for some friends and our wives. One of my friends wives was playing a human fighter who used an Urumi (a whiplike sword with serrated edges). The first session starts out with the party finding themselves groggily waking up on a mostly deserted beach after a bad shipwreck
I say mostly deserted because there were sea scorpions on the beach who were hoping to scavenge an easy meal. Sea scorpions are about 5 foot long Lobster-scorpions btw.
So the fighter wakes up as one of the scorpion begins snapping at her leg to get a piece. She scrambles to a nearby pile of equipment (which where left there by then now deceased First Mate, who’s not to be seen) and grabs her weapon. The next round she rolls to attack… and Crits! CONFIRMS! The fighter kills the sea scorpion in one blow, splitting it up the back like a cooked lobster, blood and gore spraying everywhere.
3rd round she sees her husbands character in dire straits against a second scorpion and charges, whipping her urumi as she goes! It’s an epic sight, to be sure!
So she swings, rolls… 1! CONFIRMS THE FUMBLE! As she pulls the card and reads it… she’s knocked herself unconscious, strangling herself with the urumi as she swings its forward, jerking herself off her feet and landing face first into the sandy beach.
Needless to say, that set off a great precedent for the rest of the session.