Just wondering if anyone has had ideas or attempted to create the iconic floating eyeball monster from “The worlds greatest roleplaying game”?
I imagine it would be quite a doozie to create but would be a rather fun monster to see in OL?
it should be noted they are protected by copy right , but yea a monster like those would be neat to see.
@Plus asked me to whip this up a few days back, and I’ve been mulling it over since. As always, your interpretation of the critter may differ from mine, but this is my take on it:
Eye Tyrant
Level 7 boss
Boss Edge: 3
Fly speed: 25 feet
Hit Points: 100
Guard: 21
Toughness: 18
Resolve: 23
Might: 4
Fortitude: 5
Agility: 7
Perception: 9
Will: 7
Learning: 2
Logic: 3
Presence: 6
Eye Tyrant: 9
(“Eye Tyrant” represents the power of its eye rays and anti-magic field; I recommend adding in one or more magic schools at PL7 to represent some other form of spell-casting, unless you want the monster to be only about its eyeball powers.)
Resistance +9 vs Blind (this Resistance drops by 1 for every eye-stalk that is severed)
Immunity to Knockdown, Incapacitate, Charm, and Demoralize.
Resistance to Polymorph: the Eye Tyrant can be weakened by the Polymorph bane, reducing its physical attributes, but it cannot be forced to take another shape or have its fly speed lowered.
Alien Mindscape
Eye Tyrants come from a realm beyond our own, and their minds are violently alien to any creature native to the multiverse. Anyone attempting an Influence, Prescience, or Entropy attack on the Eye Tyrant that involves interacting directly with its mind takes damage equal to their attack roll minus their Resolve.
Bite: +2d10+4A vs Guard
Anti-Magic Field
The Eye Tyrant’s primary eye projects an invisible 60 foot cone that suppresses all magic within its field of effect. For mechanical purposes, this acts as a modified & combined Restoration boon and Nullification bane at PL9, that automatically succeeds on its check but does not permanently remove any effects, merely suppressing them for a time. The exact effects that are suppressed depend on the DM; effects that cause a relatively stable change in physical matter, like the Shapeshift boon or a Resistance spell that toughens the target’s skin might not be affected, while a flame aura or magical mind control almost certainly would be. (Note that, of the banes that the Eye Tyrant inflicts, the anti-magic field suppresses the Slow, Charm, and Fear effects, but none of its other banes.)
Any attempt by a creature to use magic of PL9 or less within the field automatically fails, as do any magical effects or attacks of PL9 or less that enter the field. This includes the Eye Tyrant’s eye-rays. Any magic items of WL9 or less are reduced to mundane items (of the appropriate level of craftsmanship) while within the field.
The Eye Tyrant decides at the end of a Move action which direction its anti-magic field is facing. Further, the Eye Tyrant can take a Minor action twice per round, either on its turn or during any of its Boss Actions, to turn its main eye and its anti-magic field in a particular direction.
Eye Rays (Major or Boss Action)
The Eye Tyrant’s eyestalks are not entirely under its conscious control, and fire off at targets in range based on their own unknowable logic. The Eye Tyrant can choose which target the ray attacks, but has no control over which one fires in a given action. Roll 1d10 to find which ray fires during a given action, rolling again if that beam has been used this round or the previous round, or if there are no targets within the chosen beam’s maximum range.
Each eyestalk has 10hp and uses the Eye Tyrant’s Guard score +2. If an eyestalk is cut off or destroyed, roll 1d10 to determine which ray is removed from the possible options (unless the PCs specifically target a particular eyestalk after seeing it fire off a ray).
1 Charm (Influence) - 3d8+3A vs Resolve, max range 100 feet. Applies Charm at PL6; the target works to defend the Eye Tyrant, going so far as to use disabling banes against any of their allies who attack the Eye Tyrant. This effect immediately ends if the target is damaged by the Eye Tyrant.
2 Paralyze (Alteration) - 3d8+3A vs Toughness, max range 50 feet. Inflicts the Incapacitate bane on the target at PL9, paralyzing them. The effect wears off after a minute if the target fails to Resist it.
3 Fear (Influence) - 3d8+3A vs Resolve, max range 50 feet. Inflicts the Fear bane on the target at PL6.
4 Slow (Movement) - 3d8+3A vs Toughness, max range 75 feet. Inflicts Potent Slow on the target at PL6.
5 Enervation (Entropy) - 3d8+3A vs Toughness, max range 75 feet. Inflicts a modified Polymorph bane on the target at PL6. This does not change the target’s shape, but rather withers their body, reducing their physical attributes by 3 and any non-magical movement speeds by 20 feet.
6 Telekinetic (Movement) - 3d8+3A vs Guard, max range 100 feet. Inflicts a modified Forced Move on the subject, hurling them up to 30 feet. If they impact a hard object or surface, the target takes damage as if the ray’s attack had been a damaging attack. If they impact another creature, both creatures take half of the damage that an impact with a hard object would have caused. The Eye Tyrant can choose to fling the target upwards; if it does so, the target takes appropriate falling damage unless they have a means to fly.
7 Sleep (Influence) - 3d8+3A vs Resolve, max range 50 feet. Inflicts the Incapacitate bane on the target at PL7, causing them to fall asleep. They wake up after an hour or if they take damage.
8 Petrification (Alteration) - 3d8+3A vs Guard, max range 30 feet. Applies Incapacitate at PL9, turning the target to stone. The petrification process takes a few seconds to fully set - the target is incapable of acting for the first round after they are struck, but is still visibly in the process of turning to stone. For this reason, a Restoration spell of PL4 or higher cast on the target within 1 round of its petrification can undo the effect, but once a round has passed it requires a PL9 Restoration spell to reverse, if the creature does not successfully Resist on its own. The Petrification lasts until the subject is Restored, keeping the subject in suspended animation. Any stone pieces that are broken off cause hit point damage and appropriate loss of limbs/organs when the subject is Restored.
9 Disintegration (Entropy) - 3d8+3A vs Guard, max range 50 feet. If the ray reduces a target to -10 hit points, the target immediately dies and its body is reduced to dust.
10 Death (Entropy) - 3d8+3A vs Guard, max range 30 feet. Inflicts the Death bane on the target, at PL9. They are rendered immobile, unconscious, and unable to take actions. They have disadvantage 5 on all Perception rolls, and any damaging attacks against them count as finishing blows. If the target fails three resist rolls to shake off this bane, they die.
Again, I highly recommend adding spellcasting and a couple of spellcasting-related feats to the thing in order to give it something to do besides firing a ray on its turn. Those familiar with Critical Role might recall a certain eyeball early on in the 1st campaign with necromantic powers; I can also easily imagine one with Energy (for better blasting) or Influence (to really fulfill that “Eye Tyrant” title).
As is, the thing’s dangerous but still relatively predictable, to anyone who’s faced one in other games. Moreover, it doesn’t have a reliable way to take out incapacitated players - its only reliable damaging attack is its bite, so it could well paralyze, sleep, petrify, etc. the entire party, but then have to go around and coup-de-grace with its teeth while it waits for the Death or Disintegrate beams to cooperate, if you don’t give it some other means of attacking.
Lemme know what y’all think.
Quick correction: The word Beholder is protected by a trademark.
I think treating each eyestalk as an actual Extraordinary Item would work fine here, especially if an eyestalk is removed, they no longer have the ability to use that eyestalks power, if I recall correctly?
tomato potato but yes
Well, to be fair, the way your statement read, it was that the whole concept/idea was copyrighted rather than just the name (at least that’s how it read to me, maybe not others). I think that’s more what he was pointing out rather than the term copyright vs trademark.
true point i could see that. I wasn’t very clear.
Love it. Thanks for the effort.