A character in my game likes to shapeshift into a tarsier (small monkey) in order to spend time with his permanent-polymorphed companion wife. Should I allow him to actually sleep in tarsier form? After all, in order to keep the shapeshift, he needs to concentrate on it, which would be difficult during sleep, wouldn’t it? But then again, it seems harmless enough to let him do it. What do you think?
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You’re the GM, and if it seems like that for your game, go for it! It adds to the narrative, and while in shapeshifted form they probably don’t have access to everything they would out of it and vice/versa. I’d say the love between the 2 allows them to stay in the form even while sleeping, b/c the bond/connection is so strong it keeps refreshing the sustain.
I’d just make sure there is a distinction between sleeping and being knocked out of course!