When you decide to create some of the more obvious creatures like goblin and kobold do you see other people make the same creature and think “That’s not how i would have statted it” and just did the work yourself? This has been a real issue for me in Open Legend. I don’t want to make every single creature, but i’m just too picky to accept what other people have made, feeling like they missed a characteristic of a monster, they didn’t get specific enough with its stats, or maybe they added a home brew rule to it that feels like blasphemy. I feel like I’m not on the same page as everyone else.
Alright let me explain where this crisis is coming from.
I’ve been here for a good minute and played OL as a character a couple times now and the set up is amazing. You can make almost anything and the design behind the game being all mechanics so the fluff can be your own is a great idea. But I don’t feel the same way about being a GM. I feel underwhelmed.
The main difference is as a GM I’m free to add whatever i want to my creations so the tools to make a monster are bare in comparison. You need your zombie to have a bunch of immunities, have less than 10 health, and move slower than 30 feet? Then just do that… there’s no mechanics or options given to the GM, they are just expect to do it because they have limitless power.
Well maybe i don’t want freedom, maybe i just want options.
Now I’m not saying there isn’t ANYTHING for a GM to work with, there are specific feats that only NPCs can have, but I personally believe making a monster should be just like making a PC but with more options too crazy and game breaking for the Players to handle. It should be a give and take system like the antifeat thing i read the other day. The feats should cost something, but can also give something back. Like a Feet that decreases speed. or a Feat that makes the NPC Immune to all resolve attacks (Like a zombie that wouldn’t be affected mentally by anything.)
I feel like maybe i’m being a jerk here asking for a lot… Am I asking for too much?
I just feel like the games not finished, and i think making monsters should have more thought put into them. I mean… the rule about them having primary and secondary attributes causes a lot of monsters to look weaker than they should be because people don’t add that 1 or 2 on the NPC even though I’d like to know what the things persuasion is if for any reason they talk to it instead of kill it.
I’m sure a lot of people can do a lot with this system just fine and i’m complaining over such a little thing, but spending a lot of time making monsters for a campaign i’m starting, i just really had to vent my frustration on the way i’ve been approaching this.