A quick story about how not to make omelettes

So I was GMing a campaign where the PCs were College students who had crashed on a deserted island in the Caribbean, and one day one of the characters, Adam Buttley, decided that he would go and make some breakfast for the group. Unfortunately, the player rolled a 3, resulting with Adam creating horribly burnt omelettes. Even when an NPC who was good at cooking tried to assist, giving him a reroll with advantage 1, he rolled a 6, so Adam made barely edible omelettes which everyone complained about endlessly, making him go back to his room (they had found a tiki hut resort which had been abandoned), taking his omelette with him and contemplated life and omelettes.


Sounds about right for a college student, to be fair :wink:


Sounds like me everyday to be fair if you throw in listening to a few episodes of nightvale.