A City Guard NPC

City Guards (Level 1)

Discription:Clad in chainmail, city guards are often seen in cities to keep down crime, catch criminals, restore order if chaos insues and give directions if people need them. In high crime level cities, these guards may wear masks to hide their identity from those seeking revenge, though this is rare. Mostly they have simple helmets if any.

Attributes:Might 3, Agility 3, Fortitude 3, Perception 3, Persuasion 2, Will 2
Defenses:Guard 17, Toughness 15, Resolve 14

Favored Actions:

Long Sword:melee. Precise. Agility vs Guard. (1d20+1d8 vs Guard) exceeding by 5+ triggers disarm. Exceeding by 10+ triggers persistent damage.
Shield Slam: Knockdown Bane-(1d20+1d8 vs Guard)
Battle Axe:melee. Forceful. Heavy. Advantage 1. Might vs Guard. (1d20+highest 2 of 1d8 vs Guard) exceeding by 10+ triggers knockdown, forced move or stunned.
Throw Hatchet:25ft. Swift. Forceful. Might vs Guard (1d20+1d8 vs Guard) exceeding by 5+ triggers disarm. Exceeding by 10+ triggers persistent damage.
Disarm: Disarm Bane-(1d20+1d8 vs Guard)
Charge: Focus action move double speed towards target and do a Forceful attack with the Battle Axe (1d20+lowest 1 of 2d8 vs Guard) exceeding by 10+ triggers knockdown, forced move or stunned.
Defend:If enemy lands damaging attack, Roll Might or Agility with Advantage 2 (1d20+highest 1 of 3d8) If higher than Guard, replace it.


Bane Focus Disarm
Defensive Reflexes 1


Chainmail(Defensive 2). Hatchet(Swift, Close ranged, one hand) Buckler(Defensive 1) Longsword(Versatile) Battle Axe (Two hand)


Defend Jarl above all else. Capture or kill criminal. If the criminal is fleeing, call alert to other guards and pursue. The other guards will cut off the criminal.

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