2022 GM Screen Timelines

Apologies on the late update this month. I was waiting to hear back from the printer on estimates, plus additional back and forth that was required for the print file. Just got the estimated timelines this morning.

GM Screen Estimated Timeline

There are a 3 round series of proofs (more to it than just proofs, but for simplicity sake) that will be made and then approved by me, and then the final bulk shipment. Reminder that these are estimates, and dates can change due to shipping, errors, or complications.

27th April - 1st proof approval

13th May - 2nd proof approval

23rd May - Final proof approval

30th May - Bulk Shipment sent out


The shipping to the distributor is being done by airdrop, so it shouldn’t take as long compared to if by water/ship. However, it does have to pass through customs, and that can always be a hang-up, especially during recently. From everything I’ve heard from others in the industry, it hasn’t been improving much recently.

Hopefully the bulk shipment will arrive by mid June, which means GM Screens can start to be sent out in batches/waves mid to late June and on through July.

Address Confirmation

I will send out address confirmations to all the backers that picked the GM Screen once I have confirmation that the bulk shipment is on the way to the distributor. As I get the confirmations/changes back, I will slate those for shipping. I will not be shipping unless I do get a confirmation as I do not want to risk shipping the GM Screens to wrong addresses.

Extra GM Screens

There are additional GM Screens over what backers chose, and the will be going up on the store once I’ve started shipping to the backers first.

Thank You Open Legion

As always, I’m thankful for such a great community. Seeing people interacting in the forums between new people coming in and old returning. I love hearing the stories of games, and the varied questions people have.

Please continue to spread word of mouth so our community can grow and we can see more great additions to the system.


Your Open Legend Caretaker,

Jonathan aka Great Moustache

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