Rewording Sentient and Intelligent Extraordinary (Item) properties

Personally, i feel like “Sentient” is an strong word to describe something that doesnt have mental stats and is only capable of “basic” human reasoning.

I propose to have the names of the Sentient and Intelligent properties swapped, as i feel the latter is broad enough that it can better encompass different levels of awareness. Maybe diving Sentient (as is it currently named at the time of this post, the non-legendary variant) into tiers can help being more explict on an item’s capabilities.

I know this is an old post, but I just want to add to this some simple things. Dogs and other pets are considered sentient, by definition of the word sentient (“Able to perceive or feel things”). It does not mean intelligent or capable of rational thought, that would be the definition Intelligent (“possessing intelligence” or “guided or directed by intellect”). So it seems that they are labeled correctly, though i can understand that Sentient has often been confused as ‘human-like mental capabilities’ and can cause confusion, which the actual word that could clear things up is Sapient (“having or showing great wisdom or sound judgment”) as in Homo Sapiens (current human classification).