Hydra stats attempt

i created these creatures at player levels individually and this may not represent the level of the creatures true power or reflect those given in the simple npc builds
also please be aware that the hydra will use the summon creature bane to represent additional heads and thus can gain a larger advantage in turn economy along with the individual defenses and hit points of those heads. also note i am dming a game currently but have not had the chance to play test these so do so at your own/players peril and if used would like feed back on whether they were over or under powered along with any other feed back is welcome

rules for playing a hydra’s summoned creatures

  • the summoned creatures occupy either the same space as the hydra and damage randomly assigned between the heads and the main body
    the heads of the hydra occupy any surrounding spaces to the hydra

  • the summoned creatures can be no further than 5’ - 10’ from its original body and count as occupying the nearest space between the summoned creature and the hydra’s main body

if a dm wishes they can use this rule for the hydra
instead of summoning additional creatures the hydra gains a number of actions = to the number of summoned creatures and the hit points are added to the hydra’s maximum hit points

hydra stats idea openlegend -

hydra hatchling
size: 15’x15’
hydra: lv 9 ap: 93/112 ma:9 fp: 30/30
hp: 34
g: 20 t: 18 r: 17
alteration 7 (28) 2d10, might 6 (21) 2d8, fortitude 5 (15) 2d6, agility 4 (10) 1d10, perception 2 (3) 1d6, will 3 (6) 1d8, presence 4 (10) 1d10
boon focus (summon creatue) III
boon focus (regeneration) I
supirior concentration III
combat follow through I
multi attack specialist I
ferocious minions I
die hard I

favored actions:
bite might vs guard 2d8 damaging
tail/ neck swipe might vs guard 2d8 area 15’ square d3
hydra’s blood alteration vs 12-28 2d10 regenerate 1-9 as(single), a2 multi
grow head alteration vs 18-28 2d10 summon creature as(single), a4 multi
hunters sense alteration vs 20 2d10 blindsight as(single), a2 multi

hydras gain a nuber of boss edges equal to the nuber of head they start with and an aditional number of hit points equal to (number of heads x highest summon creature hit points)
for example a hydra hatchling starting with 5 heads would gain 5 boss edge and an aditional 35 hit points

young hydra
size: 20’x20’
hydra: lv 15 ap: 166/166 ma:9 fp: 48/48
hp: 40
g: 24 t: 21 r: 18
alteration 9 (45) 3d10, might 8 (36) 3d8, fortitude 7 (28) 2d10, agility 6 (21) 2d8, perception 4 (10) 1d10, will 4 (10) 1d8, presence 4 (10) 1d10, entropy 3 (6) 1d8
boon focus (summon creatue) III
boon focus (regeneration) II
boon focus (blindsight) I
supirior concentration III
combat follow through I
multi attack specialist I
ferocious minions I
die hard I
overpowering strike I
resilient I
multi-target boon specialist IIII

favored actions:
bite might vs guard 3d8 damaging
tail/ neck swipe might vs guard 3d8 area 20’ square d4
hydra’s blood alteration vs 12/16/20/24/28 3d10 regenerate 1-9 as(single), a3 multi
grow head alteration vs 18-28 3d10 summon creature as(single), a4 multi
acid spit entropy vs toughness 1d8 area 5x10x10 line
hunters sense alteration vs 20 3d10 blindsight as(single), a2 multi

hydras gain a nuber of boss edges equal to the nuber of head they start with and an aditional number of hit points equal to (number of heads x highest summon creature hit points)
for example a young hydra starting with 5 heads would gain 5 boss edge and an aditional 45 hit points

size: 25’x25’
hydra: lv 20 ap: 210/211 ma:9 fp: 63/63
hp: 46
g: 29 t: 26 r: 20
alteration 10 (55) 4d8, might 9 (45) 3d10, fortitude 8 (36) 3d8, agility 7 (28) 2d10, perception 4 (10) 1d10, will 5 (15) 2d6, presence 5 (15) 2d6, entropy 3 (6) 1d8
boon focus (summon creatue) III
boon focus (regeneration) III
boon focus (blindsight) I
supirior concentration III
combat follow through I
multi attack specialist I
ferocious minions I
die hard I
overpowering strike I
resilient I
multi-target boon specialist IIII
natural defense III
vicious strike I
crushing blow I
Master tracker I

favored actions:
bite might vs guard 3d8 damaging
tail/ neck swipe might vs guard 3d8 area 25’ square d5
hydra’s blood alteration vs 12/16/20/24/28 4d10 regenerate 1-9 as(single), a3 multi
grow head alteration vs 18-30 4d10 summon creature as(single), a4 multi
acid spit entropy vs toughness 1d8 area 5x10x10 line
hunters sense alteration vs 20 4d10 blindsight as(single), a2 multi

hydras gain a nuber of boss edges equal to the nuber of head they start with and an aditional number of hit points equal to (number of heads x highest summon creature hit points)
the hydra gains access to sumon creature pl:10 hp: 10 defenses: 17 attributes: 8,7,7
for example a hydra starting with 5 heads would gain 5 boss edge and an aditional 50 hit points