Amaurea's Dawn Map?

Is the only map going to be the Add-On from the KS? The book doesn’t currently have one and I hope that doesn’t remain the case as a digital map of Schlectenburg and Amaurea’s Dawn would be really helpful.

a map of schletenburg would be pretty difficult as it is one MASSIVE city, think about the Megacities from Judge Dread type of thing.

The map for Amaurea’s Dawn has been posted before, but I"m pretty sure it is included, just not in the Alpha version of the PDF.

Following up on this one because it’s the question I had when going through the PDF. Full of many wondrous artwork pictures of landscapes and creatures, but a campaign setting with NO MAPS. I don’t understand why there is no map or maps in the book. It describes the houses, the Glistening Sea, where things are relative to other things, but not even a “world view” of Amaurea.

I’d love to hear from “someone in the know” why maps were excluded from a campaign setting book.


go back and check your downloads, it does have the map. You might have the version where Chapter 2 wasn’t there, and chapter 6 was copied twice.

There’s the version you can download, and on the 4th page of the PDF, the map is right there. as well as the 2nd version of the map on page 149

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Glad someone posted about this cause I wouldnt have noticed for a while. Gotta go get an updated copy

Thanks for this! I must have got the bad copy!!