Working on a monsters book

It’s been a bit since I did any updates. Busy period at work and all but I have added some dinosaurs and animals and with any luck will work on some more in the near future.

I would like to assist in any way I can. I have been trying to add some creatures to the Wiki but my inexperience and the wealth of information is slowing me down. Let me know the best way to get you some creatures.

Just remove the parts you aren’t using on the wiki. It lays out the outline for you to see what you can include. You can simply remove the parts you aren’t using.

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The easiest ways to get monsters to me is to make a thread with your creatures in it. And then link them here and then i will add them to the book. That way you csn add more to your thread and i can add them as i have time.

Displacer beast added. Will add more as time permits.

By the way, there are a couple of typos. Under the Tarrasque entry, Lethal Strikes IX should read (Affects all attacks). Similarly, under the Zombie entry, you use “effected” twice, when it should be “affected” both times.

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Fixed and new copy should be up. Thanks for the help, grammar is far from my strong suit.

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Sorry, I think you changed the wrong ones under the Zombie entry. I should have been more specific. Here’s the relevant parts of the entry edited for grammar and word choice:

Zombieism: (Special) Entropy vs Resolve, else
target is infected with zombieism, a disease that
will cause the target to rise as a zombie if not
cured. Methods to cure are up to GM but can
include cure spells, first aid, rare
ingredients, or even be impossible.
Charge: (Special) Once per encounter, a
zombie can ignore the effects of the slowed
bane and charge after a target. There is a 50%
chance when doing so that it trips or stumbles
on something and is affected by the knockdown
bane at some point during its movement.
Slowed: (Special) Zombies are constantly under
the effect of the slowed bane.
Undying: (Special) Zombies only stop moving
when their head is destroyed. Only damage to
the head is removed from hitpoints; all other
damage can be described cinematically as
damaging or removing limbs.
Attacks that target a zombie’s head have disadvantage 3.

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thanks again my master file is updated but ill have to upload it later.

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