Super Large and Crazy house rule (Advanced Open Legend)

Thank you for the response! I do want to try to maybe make this overly large and strange set of rules to be better so I appreciate any feed back.

First of, I knew most of the things in AOL were broken from the moment I created them (I’m mostly referring about the attributes beyond 10 here), I tried balancing them but it never worked out, heck that’s why they only reach 17 when I originally planned up to 20.
And yes the new boon invocation requirement formula is clunky, it was the most balanced way I could think of to balance boon invocation requirements for the already unbalanced new attribute point system, I’m not a probability expert so I have no idea if there is a better way to do this, the entire attribute system in aol is already broken anyway so I dunno… I’m open (heh) to suggestions.
The system was my way of trying to make beyond level 10 and really really long campaigns if they would even ever happen, hopefully somewhat more interesting…?

The Wealth Point system has been fine on my party so far, some things are kinda overpriced and some underpriced which I’m still figuring out but the idea was that nobody was stopping a player to just buy an infinite amount of WL1 items, so I made this.

one part of your message I don’t understand is the part about the armor part of the ruleset. You said you don’t understand something there but I don’t understand what you don’t understand, please explain.

Again thank you and I welcome any more things to add to the discussion.

AOL has defenitely changed alot over the time between making this post, so upon looking at the addon, some posts might no longer make sense, these changes were thanks to more playtesting, feedback, and other things that might have been possibly a factor. So upon reading this, you are hopefully reading a more fun and balanced set of house rules. Still, you are welcome to discuss and stuff, that’s what this site is for… I think.