#Monk Protector Archetype
The concept behind this build is making a Monk/Martial Artist that is the defender of the weak (and/or their friends), and does it by not using any Extraordinary Attributes OR Attribute Sub.
With a focus on Unarmed Strike via Agility, there are a few ways to counteract the range issue. Increasing Speed through Fleet of Foot, adding in Combat Momentum (and follow through), and using some specialized Darts and Spears to distract the enemy (described in the above section soon).
Not as focused, but Presence exists for a simple Adv 1 Bolster and heals when needed.
Defensive Mastery
Battlefield Reflexes
Fleet of Foot
Combat Momentum
Combat Follow-Through
Defensive Reflexes
Tough as Nails
You could optimize this more by putting on more Defensive Reflexes, or even Lightning Reflexes so you are able to act first with a ranged attack or boon, and then focus on Defend Interrupts from there forward.
###Leveling Character Sheets @ 1, 3, 5, 7, & 9
Level 1
Level 3
OLD: Level 5 NEW: Level 5
OLD: Level 7 NEW: Level 7
OLD: Level 9 NEW: Level 9
##Norris Dragonfoot
Monk Martial Artist Defender
Decedent of a famous fighter and defender of the people. Easily angered about this in a number of ways, and Zealous about protecting others.
Ascetic: Through training in his order, he has learned to survive on less and be quite hardy.
Legendary Bloodline: Grandfather was known as a famous fighter and protector. Being of the Dragonfoot bloodline, people will recognize this.
Hot Tempered: He can easily become angered if you talk about his Grandfather or family in a negative manner. He can also get upset if you talk about them in too good of a light. Basically, he’s touchy about his family.
Zealous: He is very set in his ways about defending others. He will always put himself at danger to protect others, especially those he considers friends or allies, but will always step up to defend the weak.
##Level 1
Norris did extensive training in the Monk Order he was a part of. Choosing to focus on a Defensive Fighting Style (see Defensive Unarmed Strike), he quickly became Zealous about it. Learning to live with less, he worked hard to learn the Ribbed Newt Style (Defensive Unarmed Strike).
Further increasing his ability to defend and protect, he focused on Defensive Mastery and dealing damage back to attackers with his defense.
###Notable Attributes
4 Agility
3 Fortitude, Might, Perception, Will, Presence
HP: 28
Guard: 21 (medium armor)
Toughness: 16
Resolve: 16
Defensive Mastery
Battlefield Reflexes
###Main Attacks
Protect Friends and the Weak (Defend Interrupt) Agility vs Attack
You DARE attack my friends and me? (Demoralized) Agility vs Resolve
Attack ME if you wish to survive! (Provoked) Agility vs Resolve
Strike to the Temple! (Stunned) Agility vs Toughness
To the GROUND with you! (Knockdown) Agility vs Guard
BLEED with your shame! (Persistent Damage) Agility vs Guard
###Aiding Allies or Self (Boons)
Bolster @ PL 3: CR 16
Heal @ PL 1-3: CR 12-16
Defensive Unarmed Strike
Defensive Whistling Darts
Defensive Whistling Spear
##Level 3
Taking Fleet of Foot II so the distance he can cover while Defending is increased, as well as Sentinel I to do more than 1 Defend Interrupt.
###Notable Attributes
6 Agility
4 Will
HP: 30
Guard: 23 (medium armor)
Toughness: 17
Resolve: 17
Defensive Mastery
Battlefield Reflexes
Fleet of Foot II
Sentinel I
###Change in Attacks and Buffs
Time for you to SLEEP! (Incapacitated) Agility vs Toughness
###Change in Weapons
##Level 5
Taking Longshot for increased range for Defend with those weapons and Climbing for the fun Martial Arts running up walls. Increasing Sentinel to II. Also, he through his experience in the world, and going back for a time to the Order, he increased is training (Superior Defensive Unarmed Strike). Saving 1 feat point so next XP he will take Defensive Reflexes I.
###Notable Attributes
7 Agility
4 Fortitude, Perception, Presence
HP: 34
Guard: 24 (medium armor)
Toughness: 18
Resolve: 18
Defensive Mastery
Battlefield Reflexes
Fleet of Foot II
Sentinel II
Defensive Reflexes I (after 1 XP)
###Change in Attacks and Buffs
Heal @ PL 1-4: CR 12-18
###Change in Weapons
Superior Defensive Unarmed Strike
Improved Defensive Whistling Dart
Improved Defensive Whistling Spear
##Level 7
Increasing Sentinel to III, and taking Lightning Reflexes I for better start to combat.
###Notable Attributes
8 Agility
5 Will, Presence
HP: 38
Guard: 25 (medium armor)
Toughness: 19
Resolve: 20
Defensive Mastery
Battlefield Reflexes
Fleet of Foot II
Sentinel III
Defensive Reflexes I
Lightning Reflexes I
###Change in Attacks and Buffs
Heal @ PL 1-5: CR 12-20
###Change in Weapons
##Level 9
Taking Tough as Nails II to increase his ability to take hits, and increasing Defensive Reflexes to II.
###Notable Attributes
9 Agility
6 Presence
5 Fortitude
HP: 52
Guard: 26 (medium armor)
Toughness: 20
Resolve: 21
Defensive Mastery
Battlefield Reflexes
Fleet of Foot II
Sentinel III
Defensive Reflexes II
Lightning Reflexes I
Tough as Nails II
###Change in Attacks and Buffs
Bolster @ PL 3/6: CR 16/22
Heal @ PL 1-6: CR 12-22
###Change in Weapons